
i am political now

this is me and the heart-shaped cutout i made of hillary clinton's face. i watched her give her new hampshire victory speech last night, and for the first time i let myself imagine her as actually becoming the president. and i had this feeling like if that happened, my world view would completely change. suddenly, it would be a world where dreams come true. where the impossible happens. where good triumphs. before last night i have never believed hillary could win. she is a woman. i would not let hillary in. but now, look. she has won me.

ah, hillary you vixen. you have stolen my heart.


TheNeez said...

I still vote for Augustson. Oh, and I made you my publicist; check Venom Literati's blog.

Kathryn said...

who the eff is Augustson? i am too cranky to google today.

Kathryn said...

oh, the green party. thank god. i was worried you were republican.

Glenn Ingersoll said...

It didn't work with the other Clinton. But maybe that was the Y chromosome.

Vinnie said...

Kathy tackling politics. Now THAT is something new. I think my dreams just came true. (You are a four interacting in the world--yay!)