

by now it makes sense to assume
that you've been stood up again
at shooters on a wednesday night
the BEER sign lighting your tragedies

it makes sense to assume that no one else
has ever been stood up at shooters on a wednesday
and also that every one else is at home
acting out loving wizard role play in their bedrooms

and you are the loneliest. there is evidence.
look at all the wizard couples in olive garden, for example
it makes sense to assume that everything you've imagined
is an empty balloon

with no note tied to it, no messages from another world
and no phone ringing when you get home
and you are out of cigarettes and the couple next door
is casting love spells on each other and playing with the cat

you are gently spinning on one thread
taped to the moon and holding you just above the ground
by now it makes sense to assume that no one will notice your graceful arc
and that the moon is shining but no one is looking


John G said...

Werewolf wizards look at the moon. I read it in HP3.

Sarah Allen said...

Another one of your amazing pieces I wish I had written.

Sarah Allen
(my creative writing blog)

Kathryn said...

@john--i don't know what hp3 is but i will take it on your word that it is a credible source because you are a librarian, and also my new consulting expert on werewolf wizards.

@sarah--thank you for reading. i like your blog.

John G said...

HP3 = Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban


Kathryn said...

oh dear

DJ Berndt said...

yes! this is great!

Kathryn said...

thanks dj. i voted for beauty contest.

Anonymous said...

A wonderfully sardonic profile, studded with some great images - the empty balloon with no note, the thread taped to the moon. Loved it.

Anonymous said...

A wonderfully sardonic profile, studded with some great images - the empty balloon with no note, the thread taped to the moon. Loved it.

Anonymous said...

A wonderfully sardonic profile, studded with some great images - the empty balloon with no note, the thread taped to the moon. Loved it.

Anonymous said...

So good I named it thrice! Sorry about that.

UnspokenWords said...

i love this!! its really really good! :)

rollerfink said...

I love this. Also, I just burned some cookies and it's kind of your fault on account of I was reading this poem instead of taking them out of the oven.

AWT. said...

Great poem. Casting love spells on each other and playing with the cat...I like this a lot! haha. http://wordsoc.blogspot.com/

Roquentin said...

I love this! The imagery is really great.

Michael Harry Anifantakis said...

good job capturing the ennui of youth and illusion and techno-captivity. caught in the modern world. resonates with me, and I daresay a billion others.

See some poetry at www.zenwhisperer.com and also in my very new novel about a closet poet/meditator/fringedweller. The novel's title: This Moment Is My Home